Listening the song of Justin Bieber.
This song is really touching that let me felt I'm drowning in the water but no one save me.
It's like I have been out of the sea. So back and forth that's how it seems.
So crazy that I m alone and I drop into the water. It's freezing and lonely.
Get me out in the water.
I'm overboard. And i need your love. Pull me up please.
I can't swim with my own in this sea.
It's so hard for me to breathe.
The water is ice-cold, my skin has become pale white.
I m reaching out for you. Got me out in this water.
I'm overboard.I can't swim on my own.
Feels like i'm drowning myself without your love.
Please throw yourself out to me, my life saver.
I'm being dragged into the deep water.
Please save me. Only you can save my life.
I m trying to save myself but it's failed.
Drowning into the water until i died.
So what do i do? Cause I still love you.
I can't be immersing in this love again.
Please save me.
Your are the only one who can save me.

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